They say that a dog is a man’s best friend. Well, they can be a woman’s best friend too. Katie Sue was mine. She’s been with me longer than half of my grandchildren have been alive. My oldest grandson Josh was only 15 when we got Katie, now he has 3 kids of his own and turns 30 this year. Katie turned 14 years old this past November. She was about 4 pounds and would hold off any dog with her fearless demeanor. She had nine lives. I guess she had a fascination with the Lily pond and she would always wander to it. She liked being a farm dog and being outside, but she didn’t like the cold. She would sit by the fire, on my lap or on a heat register when she came in from the outdoors or stay wrapped in her towel for an hour after a bath.
The first backyard skirmish between Charlie and Pete happened five years ago on a night with a full moon. Charlie is our beloved beagle mutt who is now 14 years old and missing a few teeth. Pete is a trespassing possum who’s been trying to drive Charlie crazy for years.
Remember when a nickel would buy a bottle of Coca Cola?
I like to have the television on when I'm puttering around the house. Silence is good sometimes, but I like the mirage of thinking I have company at the house, eavesdropping on their conversation if more fun. This week, I turned the television on to listen to 50 Years of SNL Music.
Do you have trouble shutting off the brain? Are you a planner, do you rehash the day's events or do you worry about what "might" happen? Whatever it is keeping you awake is also robbing you of precious sleep to rejuvenate your body, hormones and positively impact your mood and focus.
Words are hard – much harder than they used to be. It's a symptom of middle age I hadn't heard about until it started happening to me. A few aches and pains? Sure. Crow's-feet and laugh lines? Okay, fine.
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