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New Black Belts at Dragons Den Dojo

On Sunday, November 24, the Dragons Den Dojo promoted three new First Degree Black Belts and one Sixth Degree Black Belt. Promoted to first-degree black belts were MJ Louise Torres-Rieger, JM Gabriel Torres-Rieger, and Joan Mitchel Torres-Rieger. Prestyn Astarita was promoted to sixth-degree black belt. Testing and promotions were followed by a traditional Tea Ceremony and a Filipino luncheon prepared by Marlynn Surait, mother of the three new black belts.
Tracy Strickland has been a Shelter Insurance Agent for 20 years. She will be hosting an Open House on August 2nd, 2024, from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. at 919 W. Dallas St.

Strickland Celebrates 20 Years Serving the Community as a Shelter Insurance Agent

On August 2nd, Tracy Strickland will be celebrating 20 years of serving our community as a Shelter Insurance agent.
Pictured are, from left: Terry Lane, Alderman; Chad Garner, Buffalo Chief of Police; Greg Cunningham, Buffalo City Fire Chief; Mark Burchfield, NWS Forecaster; John Crawford, Dallas County Presiding Commissioner; April Garrett, Director of DCEM; Tara Swanigan, Deputy Director of DCEM; and Duane Hamilton with Dallas County 911.

Dallas County is Officially Storm Ready

Mark Burchfield with the National Weather Service presented Dallas County Emergency Management with a certificate stating that Dallas County is now a “Storm Ready” community.
Buffalo City Fire & Rescue Chief Greg Cunningham demonstrates basic hose procedures to a group of novice firefighters.

Firefighter training for the grunts

The Buffalo City Fire & Rescue in conjunction with the University of Missouri Extension Division Fire and Rescue Training Institute hosted an Introduction to Fire Service training on June 8-9 in the parking area at Superior Gearbox in Buffalo. The two-day, all-day training was offered to the local area of fire departments, that included Buffalo Rural, Long Lane, Louisburg, Urbana, Tunas, Pittsburg and more. This specific training according to Buffalo City Fire Chief Greg Cunningham is the “nuts and bolts” of beginning training.
The Buffalo Rotary Club was able to give away 10 scholarships with the proceeds from the 2023 Dollars for Scholars Golf Tournament. Three $1,000 scholarships and seven $500 scholarships were awarded. Recipients are pictured, from left, front row: Chloe Chyka, Kimberly Evans, Dakota Johnson, and Leah Stitt; back row: Patrick Lapierre, Jake Scrivener, Kaylin Carter, Ava Scrivener, Erica Testerman. Not pictured is Madison Callicott.

BHS Seniors Recognized at Senior Awards Ceremony

Buffalo High School seniors were presented with scholarships and awards on May 2 at their Senior Awards Ceremony. Following the scholarships, all seniors were recognized with a list of their awards and future plans.
Local News
They say that a dog is a man’s best friend. Well, they can be a woman’s best friend too. Katie Sue was mine. She’s been with me longer than half of my grandchildren have been alive. My oldest grandson Josh was only 15 when we got Katie, now he has 3 kids of his own and turns 30 this year. Katie turned 14 years old this past November. She was about 4 pounds and would hold off any dog with her fearless demeanor. She had nine lives. I guess she had a fascination with the Lily pond and she would always wander to it. She liked being a farm dog and being outside, but she didn’t like the cold. She would sit by the fire, on my lap or on a heat register when she came in from the outdoors or stay wrapped in her towel for an hour after a bath.
The first backyard skirmish between Charlie and Pete happened five years ago on a night with a full moon. Charlie is our beloved beagle mutt who is now 14 years old and missing a few teeth. Pete is a trespassing possum who’s been trying to drive Charlie crazy for years.
Remember when a nickel would buy a bottle of Coca Cola?
I like to have the television on when I'm puttering around the house. Silence is good sometimes, but I like the mirage of thinking I have company at the house, eavesdropping on their conversation if more fun. This week, I turned the television on to listen to 50 Years of SNL Music.
Do you have trouble shutting off the brain? Are you a planner, do you rehash the day's events or do you worry about what "might" happen? Whatever it is keeping you awake is also robbing you of precious sleep to rejuvenate your body, hormones and positively impact your mood and focus.

Board of Aldermen review Rental Inspection Checklist

The Buffalo City Board of Aldermen met at 7 p.m. on Monday, January 27, 2025, in the Buffalo Municipal Building. Present were: Mayor Brandon Kenall; Administrative Assistant, Martha Swearingin; aldermen that include Terry Lane, Eric Kirchberg, Bret Viets, Brandon Stewart, Lonnie Glor, and Ron Park.

2 year old faces minor injuries in crash

2 year old faces minor injuries in crash
Hannah Whittaker, MU Extension Nutrition and Health Field Specialist

Stay Strong, Stay Healthy

According to Scientific Research, studies show that elderly adults are at an increased risk of falling, leading to an increased risk of injuries or even death, so it seems appropriate to find ways to help elderly people prevent falling. Research also demonstrates that one way to help stabilize seniors is through core strength training.

YMCA Fundraiser: Chili Cook-off and Auctions to be held Feb. 7

YMCA Chili Cook-off Coordinator, Andrea Gann, says “Beans! 100 percent beans. Otherwise, it’s just meat soup.” In response to “meatless chili?” she says, “No! Then you’re just eating pork and beans!” What’s the strangest ingredient you’ve ever tasted in chili? Gann says, “Chocolate!” And yes, she thought it was really good.

DC Diary - Urbana soldier killed in Baghdad

This week in Dallas County history, as recorded in the Buffalo Reflex.

Death Notices

Mark Loren Heady
Local Sports

The Eagles Come Out on Top

Kolton Klindworth taking down #18.
The Fair Grove Eagles held their closest game of the season on Saturday against Lafayette County, coming out victorious with a final score of 14-13. The Eagles have a season record of 13 -0 and Lafayette County 10-2. Eagles Head Coach Bill Voorhis told the Daily Citizen that defense was the decision-maker for this game’s score. With no points put up in the first quarter and 0-7 by halftime, the Eagles needed a comeback to continue in this tournament. There was a tied score by the end of the third quarter. The opponent made a touchdown at the beginning of the fourth quarter, taking the lead, however, with minutes left in the game, the Eagles scored and making an extra point, brought themselves to the win.
Fair Grove Boys Cross Country Team.

Local Cross Country Teams Run in the Class 3 District 2 Meet

Buffalo and Fair Grove’s cross country teams ran in the MSHSAA Class 3 District 2 meet last Saturday. Listed below are individuals results from each school.

Lady Eagles stunned by 7-0 loss at Lone Jack

Following three straight major comebacks to win the district tournament, Fair Grove’s softball season ended with a thud in a 7-0 loss at Lone Jack in the Class 2 quarterfinals on Tuesday, May 14.
Kaden Bone

Buffalo golfers do well at various tournaments

The Buffalo boys golf team has been very busy with their season. The members of the golf team this year are: Blair Abraham (10th), Matthew Skinner (10th), Cody Brown (10th), Braden McGregor (10th), Dalton Bennett (10th), Riley Kjar (11th), and Kaden Bone (11th).

Elizabeth Western, Kellen Lair win 100-meter dashes at meets

Buffalo’s Elizabeth Western and Fair Grove’s Kellen Lair, won 100-,meter dashes at Dl Dorado Springs and Nixa meets last week. They are the only two local individual athletes to win first place at those meets, but Fair Grove boys’ 4 x 400-meter relay team also took the fop prize at Nixa.

EnJOYable Journey - Lifetime learners are as curious as cats

I’ve always thought that the knowledge gathered over years of schooling, professional development and personal growth classes fills my toolbox with valuable tools I can use throughout my life.

The Rockwood Files: Rise of the machines

Once every five years or so, we get a new television. Sometimes it's because we actually need one – like that summer when a lightning strike electrocuted several of our appliances. But most of the time, it's because Tom starts reading about the incredible picture quality on the newest TV screens, and he just can't stand it anymore. He needs to see it for himself.

Ozark's RFD - When the pitchfork met the wood

Few sounds in winter are more unwelcome than that of a pitchfork scraping the hay loft floor.

Notes from Creekside: Why can't fat cells have Alzheimer's

Adipose cells (aka fat cells) do they ever go away? Do we need them? The answer is NO, they do not ever go away. The only way to get rid of fat cells is liposuction. But they can shrink with diet and exercise. And YES, we do need a regulated amount of adipose cells. Fat cells, or adipocytes, are like balloons that store energy. When you have a surplus of calories, these cells expand in number and size. Adipose tissue increases in middle age and decreases when people get old according to some studies.

Ozark's RFD - First it was pocket knives

I heard on the news some schools are banning cell phones.

Notes from Creekside - The common cold

The reason it is called "common" cold is, because as their name implies, they're widespread. Adults catch two to three colds a year, while young children come down with four or more colds per year. I have first hand experience with a common cold this week. Sneezing, coughing and a runny nose. Thankfully I did not have a headache, fever or sore throat that can also go along with this irritating virus. Usually I will get a cold twice a year, spring and fall. Lucky me, I am an overachiever this year.
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