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Kiera Sadernas more
Cheryl Jean “Jeanie” Wood more
Ernest Darrell King more
DeAnna K Rollins more
The Buffalo City Board of Aldermen met at 7 p.m. on Monday, September 30, 2024, in the Buffalo Municipal Building at 119 S. Maple St. Present were: Mayor Brandon Kenall; Administrative Assistant Martha Swearingin; City Clerk Mandy Wecker; and aldermen that include Terry Lane, Bret Viets, Ron Park, and Lonnie Glor. Brandon Stewart was present later in the meeting. more
Crystal Tucker more
Kenneth W. Hicks more
Mary Rowena Dye more
Mary Rowena Dye  more
Growing up in Buffalo, Missouri, David Garrett was the boy who liked to build things with Lincoln Logs and Legos. By high school, he was developing his reasoning skills through chess in the school’s first chess club, which he and some friends started under the guidance of Patsy Viets. He also enjoyed helping on construction crews. His father always encouraged him to work hard in school and keep his grades up, hoping someday he would pursue a career in engineering. more
As the fall weather begins to cool things down, it is once again time to think about Christmas and Toys for Tots. Dates for the 2024 Dallas County Toys for Tots activities have been set and those participating in the program as volunteers or recipients will need to mark their calendars. more
This week in Dallas County history, as recorded in the Buffalo Reflex. more
Clema Darlene Dill more
Clema Darlene Dill more
“Hands-on methods are shaping the future of education from elementary school to high school.” —acceleratelearning.com more
Lila Hall more
This week in Dallas County history, as recorded in the Buffalo Reflex. more
The Buffalo Garden Club held their August meeting on Thursday the 22nd. Janet called the meeting to order with the roll call question, 'Do you plant vegetables in the fall, what varieties do you plant?’ There were several answers from beans and carrots to Swiss Chard, onions and spinach. The members attending were; Lisa Blake, Cecilia Dixon, Nancy Heard, Rita Hoogland, Shirley Hyatt, Thelma Tess Kurtz, Tomi McDaniel, Pam Meyer, Jeanie Smith, Liz Van Dee, and Janet Wood.  more
Donna Jean Wilkins more
Ralph Eugene Clayton more
Donna Jean Wilkins more
Ralph Eugene Clayton more
In regards to the passing of Curtis Adams more
The Buffalo City Board of Aldermen met at 7 p.m. on Monday, September 9, 2024, in the Buffalo Municipal Building at 119 S. Maple St. Present were: Mayor Brandon Kenall; Administrative Assistant Martha Swearingin; City Clerk Mandy Wecker; and all aldermen that include Terry Lane, Scott Decker, Bret Viets, Brandon Stewart, Ron Park, and Lonnie Glor. more
Two vehicles totaled in crash more
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